
Frequently Asked Questions

Here is a list of things you may be wondering with respective answers. We aim to make our service as clear to understand and transparent as possible. We try to keep it simple so you don’t have to deal with dense details – however, these details are important at the same time and we do want you to understand what the service entails.

Still Have A Question?

If your question has not been answered, we are here to resolve that! Please use the form below to send us a question. We’ll get back to you via email, and, we’ll add your question to the FAQ for others to see if it’s a relevant and important question/answer that we need to make more visible.

    I want significant additional functionality, such as ecommerce, OK?2020-05-09T18:38:02+00:00

    The annual fee covers minor tweaks. Large pieces of work, such as adding and integrating an online booking system, or a complex quotation form, or an ecommerce store are large bodies of work. Typically we do not offer these large complex functionalities. Please let us know when ordering if you require significant functionalities like those listed above.

    What ongoing tweaks and changes can request for my website?2020-05-16T15:02:41+00:00

    Minor changes are included in the annual fee – addition of images, update of text, services, prices, contact numbers etc. If on average you require 1 change per month, that’s fine, however if you require many updates – either we will give you access to the site, or we will have to start charging a small additional fee. We are very reasonable and transparent with this approach.

    If you require a significant redesign, or something like an ecommerce functionality – that’s a different story and would not be covered with the redesign.

    Who owns the domain?2020-05-16T15:04:18+00:00

    Typically, we will acquire and manage the domain. If you rather keep control of it – that’s fine. If you decide to cancel your plan with us, there is no cancellation fee. If you require the domain to be transferred to you we can do that, however, you will be required to pay necessary fees. We use Godaddy for domains.

    I already have a website/domain, can I avail of your service?2020-05-16T15:35:27+00:00

    Absolutely, get in touch!

    I paid the first annual fee, how long until the site is live?2020-05-16T15:21:53+00:00

    Upon receiving payment, we prioritise completing your website – polishing off the design, tweaking it as you desire, adding necessary content. This process depends on the speed of feedback from the client, but typically takes about 2 weeks. However, if your specification is highly organised it can be as quick as 2 days!

    I like the free design… what next?2020-05-16T15:03:45+00:00

    If you like the look of the initial design draft, the next steps are:

    1. We will send a request for the first annual fee
    2. Once received, we will work with you to finalise the design (e.g. include particular pages, images, text that you want in your website).
    3. Once you’re happy with the design, and we’ve agreed on the domain, we will set the website live!
    What if I don’t like the initial free website design draft?2020-05-09T18:37:44+00:00

    That’s no problem, there are two possible ways to proceed:

    1. If you don’t see any potential in it, or our service, then, we will wish you well and we will go our separate ways – no obligation, no payment required.
    2. You see potential in our service, but don’t like the design draft whatsoever. If we have capacity, we can give it another shot and create a new draft based on more detailed information regarding what you didn’t like about the first draft. If you don’t like the second draft, at this point we’re likely to pass on the opportunity – another service may better suit your needs.
    Order Form

    Ready to Get Started?

    Simply complete the order form to get started. We'll receive your details, and will hand-make a custom design for your business. If you like the look of the design draft - we proceed to the next step of payment + go-live!
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